Hey! SOOOO this is my first ever blog post, how exciting for me! I write 3 pages in my journal every morning, but I've never posted something like this on ethe internet, so bear with me!
Right so this mural I painted in Charters Towers Queensland. .... I got this facebook message asking if I would like to paint a 48 meter wall in Charters Towers. As a beginner muralist , I was THRILLED ! I tol my partner as soon as I got home " omg you won't believe this guy has asked me to paint this giant wall!" .... and thats where it all begun! about 8 months later & with meticiluous designing & planning for the mural, I rolled up into Charters Towers with my van. I hadnt been there before so I didnt know what to expect. I was quickly shocked at the size of the wall & realised all of my designs would need to be redone becasue they were out of scale, I realised there was alot more maths requried when scaling up a mural of this size ! So I freaked out a little buit with lots of tape measuring & sticktaping & marking , I got there. I used a projector - in sections & in the dark , by myself at night , in the middle of nowhere , to scale up the design & sketch it onto the wall. From there I commenced painting , for the next 3.5 weeks , by myself, with only afew of the concreting workmen around to say hello to. I learnt so much about myself on that mural, I spilt hundreds of dollars worth of paint, was out in the 38degree heat, basically felt like I had no idea what I was doing & freaking out most of the time, but it all turned out brilliantly & it felt like a huge test of faith to me. I learnt how to be resilient, manage my emotions & trust myself & the process of creation. By the end I was so freaking happy with the mural, I stood back and thought, wow I can't believe I did THAT! Then i quickly drove 1.5 hours back to Townsville as I couldn't wait to see my daughter & partner. I had a lovely bunch of flowers & hugs waiting for me at home. I'm so great full to charters towers concrete for commissioning me for that mural, I'm great full to my mentor - Mural Nomad for her encouragements & all the other artists who kept checking in on me via social media, it was defiantly probably one of the hardest things I've done. Also thankyou to the Townsville community for supporting local artists!
Townsville Mural Artist Katie :)